Grown Up Fairy Tales revolves around a boy living with his mom. The boy spends a lot of time alone while his mother is at work and at choir practice, and therefore has a lot of time to think about what's going on around him. He has a solid relationship with his mother, but there is something not quite right with the small family. From time to time his mother lets strays stay in their apartment, and now a new guy, a bass player, has started sleeping on their sofa.
Grown Up Fairy Tales is a fragile and poetic story about the beautiful and difficult things in life. It is a story about childhood, family and loneliness – but also about birds, kings and queens, music and the joy of playing soccer.
Too many Norwegian publications are similar. This is a liberating and surreal novel (…) Grethe Fatima Syéd appears here as a versatile author that masters the art of writing good books, both fiction and non-fiction.»
(…) a tale of loneliness, absence, of missing someone, of pain and anxiety, nicely outlined via a childs limited view of the world.