Grown Up Fairy Tales

Grown Up Fairy Tales revolves around a boy living with his mom. The boy spends a lot of time alone while his mother is at work and at choir practice, and therefore has a lot of time to think about what's going on around him. He has a solid relationship with his mother, but there is something not quite right with the small family. From time to time his mother lets strays stay in their apartment, and now a new guy, a bass player, has started sleeping on their sofa.
Grown Up Fairy Tales is a fragile and poetic story about the beautiful and difficult things in life. It is a story about childhood, family and loneliness – but also about birds, kings and queens, music and the joy of playing soccer.

Too many Norwegian publications are similar. This is a liberating and surreal novel (…) Grethe Fatima Syéd appears here as a versatile author that masters the art of writing good books, both fiction and non-fiction.»

(…) a tale of loneliness, absence, of missing someone, of pain and anxiety, nicely outlined via a childs limited view of the world.

Grethe Fatima Syéd

Grethe Fatima Syéd
Pål Hoff

Grethe Fatima Syéd (b. 1968) is well known for her work with authorships of Olav Duun and Torborg Nedreaas – icons of the Norwegian literary canon. Syéd is also an experienced translator, literary critic and public speaker. This is her debut as a fiction writer.

Foreign rights

Solum Bokvennen
Universitetsgaten 14
0164 Oslo

[email protected]

Edited March 01, 2024 by Solum Bokvennen