Enchanting Evolution. Why fishes climb waterfalls and bats donate blood

For all nature lovers!

The incredible diversity in the nature surrounding us has been shaped by evolution. Go on a journey to some of the worlds weirdest animals, from Telemark to the Antarctic and discover why they behave the way they do. In Hawaii a tiny fish climbs a vertical waterfall. In the Norwegian spruce forest a little bird crosses its beak to get pinecone seeds. At dusk in Tennessee beautiful fireflies are lured into a deadly trap, while in a nest in the Amazon, a baby bird tries to look like a butterfly larvae. Why do they do this and how have they gotten there? Here you get a new and fascinating perspective on nature!
With entertaining stories and new research, biologist Hanna Nyborg Støstad tells us how evolution has affected the animals we find in the forest, ocean and the sky. This is the book for anyone who loves the work of David Attenborough.

Hanna Nyborg Støstad

Hanna Nyborg Støstad
Benjamin A. Ward

Hanna Nyborg Støstad works in Friends of the Earth Norway and has a PhD in evolutionary biology from Natural History Museum in Oslo and a masters degree in ecology from England. She has specialized in evolution and behavioral studies of birds, and has wide experience with conveying popular science. She has been a participant in the Grand Prix of researchers and has been central in designing the display “Tree of Life” at the Natural History Museum in Oslo.

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Stilton Literary Agency
Hans Petter Bakketeig
Fougners vei 14 b
NO-0571 Oslo
+47 47 674759
[email protected]

Edited September 27, 2019 by Stilton Literary Agency