A road novel about the highways and byways of existence.
Struck by the absurdity of it all, a man resigns from his job and buys a car. He drives south without a plan. He tries to free himself from daily life by constantly moving. But this nomadic lifestyle is challenged, raising the question: how long is it possible to keep running?
From the teeming street life of Tangier, via a research project about the special ivy found on Ånuglo, to the busy motorways of Europe, Skaret roams restlessly with the reader through a landscape of thoughts and physical geography.
Nomad is full of precise observations, absurd events and thought-provoking musings.

Erlend Flornes Skaret

Erlend Flornes Skaret

Erlend Flornes Skaret (b. 1976) is a civil engineer by trade. His first novel, Wrocław, was published in 2011, and was followed by Lucida in 2013. From a couple of reviews about Wrocław: “This book is a dream. Elegant language. Simple and poetic with a slightly breathless style, at times reduced to no more than keywords. The reworked photographs of nature that illustrate the book are often surprising and provide humour throughout. Quite simply superb.” (Stavanger Aftenblad) “A beautiful picture book about good dreams.” (Dagbladet).

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Hagen Agency by Eirin Hagen
E : [email protected]

Edited February 11, 2018 by Hagen Agency