The Lofoten Wall

The narrator of this novel is sitting trapped in a job-seeking course through NAV, the Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration. Among all the other job seekers, he lets his thoughts wander here and there in violent thrusts back and forth in time.

Lofotveggen is a fragmented, intense and meandering insider's tale from within Stig Aasvik's mind; events past and present are intertwined in one long stream of consciousness; his childhood, his mother's sudden and untimely death, travels to his father's hometown in Lofoten, family life, work, everyday events, events great and small, wounds great and small, difficult and painful experiences. Everything pours out, is turned inside out and enlarged.

This is an ambitious story, an inner struggle, a complex, musical, dark, dreamy and lyrical tale about being a human being – here and now.

"He writes the way a meticulous and sensitive Knaugård might do, merciless but carefully and tender about his close ones. The text grows in a well-groomed and rich inner language."

"The Lofoten Wall is sweet. The language is radient. The transitions from thought to thought come naturally. Not for a moment do we miss an external narrative."

Stig Aasvik

Stig Aasvik
Photo: Tanya Hanzalova Wibye

Stig Aasvik (1970-) lives in Oslo. His debut was The Electrical Elephant (Den elektriske elefanten) from 2002. Internal Affairs (Indre anliggender) from 2012, his third novel, was awarded The Booksellers Scholarship for Authors. It received great reviews and was nominated for Book of the Year in the publication Natt & Dag.

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The mayor of Oslo

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Edited February 08, 2018 by Cappelen Damm Agency