The mayor of Oslo

The Mayor of Oslo continues where the critically acclaimed Lofotveggen left off. The main character is being hounded by the Unemployment Office. He still needs a job. We find him on a job-seekers course, at the café, on a trip to Australia, at football training with his son, back to his mother's sudden death, the break-up and arguments with his father. The Mayor of Oslo is a dark, funny, desperate and original novel.

Stig Aasvik

Stig Aasvik
Photo: Tanya Hanzalova Wibye

Stig Aasvik (1970-) lives in Oslo. His debut was The Electrical Elephant (Den elektriske elefanten) from 2002. Internal Affairs (Indre anliggender) from 2012, his third novel, was awarded The Booksellers Scholarship for Authors. It received great reviews and was nominated for Book of the Year in the publication Natt & Dag.

Other titles

The Lofoten Wall

Foreign rights

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Edited February 08, 2018 by Cappelen Damm Agency