I am Associate Professor in Swedish Philology and Scandinavian Studies at University of Bucharest and a freelance literary translator based in Bucharest. I translate books and plays from Swedish, Norwegian and Danish into Romanian. I hold a BA in German and Romanian Language and Literature from the University of Bucharest, an MA in German Culture Studies from the University of Bucharest, an MA in Playwriting from the Film and Theater University in Bucharest and a PhD in Swedish Theater from the Film and Theater University in Bucharest.
Translated by Carmen Vioreanu
Jon Fosse, Cineva are să vină - cinci piese de teatru (Nokon kjem til å komme - fem skodespel), Unitext, 2003
Erlend Loe, Naiv.Super., Vremea, 2007
Jon Fosse, Frumos (Vakkert), Vremea, 2008
Translated plays from Norwegian into Romanian:
Niels Fredrik Dahl, Ca tunetul (Som torden), Stage reading, Teatrul Foarte Mic Bucharest, June 2008, as a part of the project Voices of the North/Contemporary Norwegian Theater
Jon Fosse, Cineva are să vină (Nokon kjem til å komme), Stagings in Bucharest 2003 and 2023, at Arcub and Act Theater)
Jon Fosse, Fata de pe canapea (Jenta i sofaen), Stage reading at Act Theater Bucharest in 2003 and staging atTeatrul Tineretului in Piatra Neamț, 2017
Jon Fosse, Vis.Toamna (Draum om hausten), Staging at Teatrul Clasic „Ion Slavici” in Arad, 2007
Jon Fosse, Frumos (Vakkert),Staging at Teatrul "Toma Caragiu" in Ploiesti, 2008
Jon Fosse, Numele (Namnet), Staging at Teatrul Foarte Mic in Bucharest, 2014
Jon Fosse, Iarna (Vinter), Staging atTeatrul Nottara Bucharest, 2016
Jon Fosse, Somn (Svevn), Stage reading at Teatrul Foarte Mic Bucharest, June 2008, as a part of the project Voices of the North/Contemporary Norwegian Theater
Jon Fosse, Vizita (Besøk), 2002
Jon Fosse, Chitaristul (Gitarmannen), 2002
Jon Fosse, O zi de vară (Ein sommars dag), 2007
Jon Fosse, Eu sunt vântul (Eg er vinden), 2007
Jon Fosse, Lila (Lila), 2008
Jon Fosse, Umbre (Skuggar), 2010
Jesper Halle, Lumina zilei (Dagenes lys) Stage reading, Teatrul Foarte Mic Bucharest, June 2008, as a part of the project Voices of the North/Contemporary Norwegian Theater
Jesper Halle, Cenușoi și cele trei prințese din Muntele Albastru (Askeladden og de tre prinsesser i berget det blå. Et norsk folkeeventyr for dukketeater), Stage Reading at Ion Creangă Theater, 2008, as a part of the International Festival of Children's Theater "100, 1000, one million stories"
Liv Heløe, Pește! (Fisk!) Stage Reading at Ion Creangă Theater, 2008, as a part of the International Festival of Children's Theater "100, 1000, one million stories"
Liv Heløe, Înainte să sune (Før det ringer), 2009
Wetle Holtan, Cei care trăiesc (De som lever) Stage reading, Teatrul Foarte Mic Bucharest, June 2008, as a part of the project Voices of the North/Contemporary Norwegian Theater
Finn Iunker, Play Alter Native, Stage reading, Teatrul Foarte Mic Bucharest, June 2008, as a part of the project Voices of the North/Contemporary Norwegian Theater
Arne Lygre, Trilogia memoriei (Minnetrilogien), Premiere June 2024, Marin Sorescu Theater, Craiova
Arne Lyngre, Un bărbat fără rost (Mann uten hensikt), 2009
Cecilie Løveid, The Showing (Visning), 2009
Maria Tryti Vennerød, Frank, Stage reading, Teatrul Foarte Mic Bucharest, June 2008, as a part of the project Voices of the North/Contemporary Norwegian Theater
Maria Tryti Vennerød, Neverland, 2011
Maria Tryti Vennerød, Safari, 2011
Lars Vik, Băiatul-melc (Sneglegutten), Stage reading as a part of the International Festival of Children's Theater "100, 1000, one million stories" Bucharest, 2008
Gyrid Axe Øvsteng, Real (Verkeleg), 2008.