Andrea Romanzi

Translates from Norwegian into Italian

Languages lover and book enthusiast, Andrea Romanzi obtained a PhD in Italian Studies with a focus on translation and publishing history from the universities of Reading and Bristol (UK). He previously completed his studies in Italy and Norway in the fields of foreign languages, translation studies and comparative literature.
Since 2018 he translated several novels from Norwegian and English into Italian, and in 2019 he was awarded the Bodini Prize for best emerging translator for his translations from Norwegian.
He currently teaches Scandinavian Languages, Literatures and Translation at the Universities of Milan and Venice, where he is also a post-doctoral researcher.
He contributed, directed and collaborated with several journals, among which Prosopopeia, Norwegian journal of comparative literature. He currently co-directs LONGITŪDINĒS, the multilingual magazine for creative writing, literary translation and the arts

Translated by Andrea Romanzi

Torborg Nedreaas : Av måneskinn gror det ingenting , Niente cresce al chiaro di luna, 2025, La Tartaruga

Lars Elling : Fyrstene av finntjern , I principi dello stagno Finn, 2025, 21lettere

Oliver Lovrenski : Da vi var yngre , Bro, se non siamo noi una famiglia, chi lo è?, 2025, Mondadori

Kristoffer H. Endresen : Litt som oss - en fortelling om grisen , Un po' come noi. Storia naturale del maiale (e perché lo mangiamo), 2024, Codice Edizioni

Jon Fosse : Samlede dikt , Ascolterò gli angeli arrivare, 2024, Crocetti Editore

Victoria Kielland : Mine menn , I miei uomini, 2024, Sellerio Editore

Ruth Lillegraven : Av mitt blod , Sangue del mio sangue, 2022, Carbonio editore

Ingebjørg Berg Holm : Rasende binne , La rabbia dell'orsa, 2021, Carbonio editore

Ruth Lillegraven : Alt er mitt , Fiordo profondo, 2020, Carbonio editore

Gert Nygårdshaug : Mengele Zoo , Inferno verde, 2020, SEM

Gert Nygårdshaug : Cassandra finger , Fredric Drum e il mistero del re di pietra, 2019, SEM

Gert Nygårdshaug : Jegerdukken , L'amuleto, 2018, SEM