Originally a Londoner, I moved to Oslo in 1987 after completing an MA in Translation at the University of Surrey. I got the chance to translate two works of non-fiction early on, but ended up mainly teaching English, at the University of Oslo and the French School. After many years in the classroom I have now returned to translating, my first project being Hanna Stoltenberg’s prize-winning novel Nada from 2019. An excerpt from my translation was in fact awarded the Wigeland Prize by the American-Scandinavian Foundation in 2022, as were two short stories taken from Monica Goksøyr's prize-winning collection Slemme jenter/Bad Girls in 2024. I'm a member of both the Norwegian Non-Fiction Writers and Translators Association (NFFO) and the Norwegian Association of Literary Translators (NO). As well as working as a literary translator and producing sample translations, I also provide copy editing and proofreading services.
Translated by Wendy H. Gabrielsen
Jørgen Watne Frydnes: Ingen mann er en øy - No Man is an Island, University of Massachusetts Press, 2025
Erlend Garåsen: Skinnelangs - Hiking and Cycling the Rail Trails of Norway, Skinnelangs, 2024
Hanna Stoltenberg: Nada - Near Distance, Weatherglass Books, 2023 and Biblioasis, 2025
Stig Bareksten and Ando Woltmann: Den nye akevitten - The New Aquavit, Bareksten, 2022
Gerd Kvanvig: Dagen som ikke finnes - The day that didn't happen, Naked Eye Publishing, 2022
Espen A. Jacobsen: Kystferie i Norge - Exploring the Norwegian Coast, Vigmostad & Bjørke, 2022
Torunn Liven (ed.): Gjennom koreografi - Through Choreography: Ingun Bjørnsgaard Prosjekt (contributing translator), Solum Bokvennen, 2021
P. Chr. Asbjørnsen & Jørgen Moe: Fairy Tales from Norway (contributing translator), Oris forlag, 1992
Anders Ole Hauglid: Maihaugen: The Sandvig Collections Guide, Cappelen, 1989 and 1994
Olaf Heitkøtter and Arvid Møller: Se Norges OL-dal - Norway’s Olympic Valley, Cappelen, 1989