Qi Fang

Translates from Norwegian into English Chinese (simplified) Chinese (complex)

Qi Fang is a trilingual translator with books translated from Norwegian or English to Chinese.

She holds a MA degree in English Language and Literature from Central South University and studied Civilization/Europe Studies at NTNU, Norway.

She has long experience working in international companies and specializes in cross-cultural communication, marketing, and sales. With strong language skills and knowledge on market, she helped companies from varied branches with market entry, content marketing, and marketing strategies.

Since 2015, she has been working freelance as a translator, and her first translated work won the Best Children Book of the Year 2018 in China.

In 2021, she started her own company Silkeskogen AS, with the aim of creating better commercial, technological, and cultural communication and cooperation between Norway and China. One area that she is currently working on is introducing Norwegian literature to the Chinese market.

Translated by Qi Fang

Bjørn. F. Rørvik, 比约恩·F.罗维克 : Nisseforeningen , 奇想国当代精选-狐狸、小猪和朋友们-爱生气的捣蛋精灵, 2020, 明天出版社

Bjørn. F. Rørvik, 比约恩·F.罗维克 : Prikkesyken , 奇想国当代精选-狐狸、小猪和朋友们-狐狸,看你怎么办, 2020, 明天出版社 – Co‑translator: Shubo Li

Bjørn. F. Rørvik, 比约恩·F.罗维克 : Reddikhaien , 奇想国当代精选-狐狸、小猪和朋友们-森林怪奇事件簿, 2020, 明天出版社 – Co‑translator: Shubo Li

Bjørn. F. Rørvik, 比约恩·F.罗维克 : Reddikhaien og Andre fortelling om Reven og Grisungen , 奇想国当代精选-狐狸、小猪和朋友们- 小猪这个幸运儿, 2020, 明天出版社

Bjørn. F. Rørvik, 比约恩·F.罗维克 : Myggsprayen,Tutomaten , 奇想国当代精选-狐狸、小猪和朋友们-稀奇古怪的发明, 2020, 明天出版社

Einar Øverenget, 埃纳尔.厄维尔恩 : Sokrates og pappa , 给孩子的哲学绘本:苏格拉底与父亲的对话, 2017, 中信出版社