Natalia Ilishchuk

Translates from Norwegian into Ukrainian

I was born in Lviv in 1996 and in 2018 graduated from Ivan Franko University of Lviv with a master's degree in International Relations and Translation. I studied also as an exchange student at Warsaw University(Poland) and the University of Bologna(Italy).

I started to learn Norwegian in the second year of my university studies, and after that participated in Nansenskolen's Summer School (Lillehammer), a course in Norwegian Language, Literature, and Culture (University of Agder, Kristiansand), and summer school in Norwegian language and culture in the University of Bergen. I was also a participant of ISFiT in 2017 and the Thorvald Stoltenberg Seminar at Utøya in 2019. My first translation was published when I was in my fourth year of studies.

I have work experience in public communications and digital marketing. Since 2017 I am a member of Ukrainian-Scandinavian Center. Since 2019 I live and work in Kyiv.

Translated by Natalia Ilishchuk

Sigrid UndsetJenny
Єнні. Yakaboo Publishing, to be published in 2024

Anne Gunn Halvorsen og Randi FuglehaugHalve kongeriket. På tronen
Пів королівства. На престолі. Ranok, to be published in 2024

Anne Gunn Halvorsen og Randi FuglehaugHalve kongeriket. Drømmeprinsen
Пів королівства. Принц мрії. Ranok, to be published in 2024

Gudrun SkrettingDin Vilma
Твоя Вільма. Old Lion Publishing, to be published in 2024

Iben AkerlieSommeren alt skjedde
Літо, коли все трапилось. Old Lion Publishing, 2023

Anne Gunn Halvorsen og Randi FuglehaugHalve kongeriket. Arvingen
Пів королівства. Спадкоємець. Ranok, 2023

Bår StenvikBløff. Hvordan juks og selvbedrag gjør oss til ekte mennesker
Брехня. Як блеф, авантюри та самообман роблять нас справжніми людьми. Anetta Antonenko Publishers & Literary Agency, 2021

Gudrun Skretting: Tre menn til Vilma
Три чоловіки для Вільми. Old Lion Publishing, 2021

Torun Lian: Alice og alt du ikke vet og godt er det
Аліса Андерсен і все, чого ти не знаєш (і добре). Old Lion Publishing, 2021

Torun Lian: Alice svømmer ikke
Аліса Андерсен — не плаває. Old Lion Publishing, 2020

Torun Lian: Reserveprinsesse Andersen
Аліса Андерсен — принцеса на лаві запасних. Old Lion Publishing, 2020

Iben Akerlie: Lars er lol
Ларс.LOL. Old Lion Publishing, 2019

Jostein Gaarder: Julemysteriet
Різдвяна містерія. Litopys, 2019

Torun Lian: Bare Skyer Beveger Stjernene
Лише хмари танцюють з зірками. Old Lion Publishing, 2018

Thor Heyerdahl: Etterord: i Kon-Tikis kjølvann. Kon-Tiki ekspedisjonen
Післямова: у кільватері Кон-Тікі. Krok, 2017

Thorbjørn Egner: Klatremus Og De Andre Dyrene I Hakkebakkeskogen
Клатремус та інші звірята з Лісу на Пагорбі. Kruhovert, 2016