The dilettante

An author is invited to a gentleman's club, The Dandy Dilettantes, where he meets the dapper Oskar Muri Jnr. As if in a mirror, he sees himself in the man's smooth face. The story that follows is an account of Oskar Muri Jnr.'s upbringing in his parents' pompous upstart house and of his adult existence in his aunt's huge downtown flat, of the grandeur and downfall of his ancestors, and of his life in the shadow of his little brother, who died in what everybody took to be a tragic accident. Everybody but Oskar himself.

A tragic family saga, an understated comedy, an enigmatic, inverted self-portrait - The Dilettante is a fascinating, inventive and hugely enjoyable novel.

Terje Holtet Larsen

Terje Holtet Larsen

Terje Holtet Larsen lives in Bergen. He made his literary debut with the novel The Son in 1991. In 1996 he received Gyldendal’s Endowment for the collection of short stories Variasjoner.

Other titles

Home is where you die, sier Mr Saunders, 2008. Fra et mislykket forsvinningsnummer, 2004.
Peer Gynt-versjonen, 2003.
Forestillingen, 2001.
Sander, 1998.
Beundrerens tålmodighet, 1997.
Variasjoner, 1995.
Akkurat som et ekorn, 1993.

Foreign rights

Oslo Literary Agency
Henrik Francke
Literary Agent, Literary fiction /
Forlaget Oktober
[email protected]
+47 913 53 922

Edited December 21, 2017 by Oslo Literary Agency