My father’s dog

In an attempt to get attention, and maybe even love, from her father, Bella tries to become a human dog. Along with her sister, Little K, their parents and a range of other relatives (and Farah Dibah the dog), she grows up in an elegant though run-down wooden villa – "a house full of secrets – shut out from the world, or in a world of its own".

My Father’s Dog portrays a daughter’s boundless love for her father. It is a modern fable marked by exaggerations, magnifications, deliberate disproportions and a peculiar mix of sincerity and cynicism. A grotesque tale and a gripping story about survival.

Lisbet Hiide

Lisbet Hiide
Photo: Ståle Felberg

Lisbet Hiide is a writer and a playwright.

Other titles

De lettsindige og tankeløse, novel 1996
Dame med nebb, short stories 1988
Alices særegne opplevelse av natt, short stories 1985

Foreign rights

Oslo Literary Agency
Henrik Francke
Literary Agent, Literary fiction /
Forlaget Oktober
[email protected]
+47 913 53 922

Edited December 21, 2017 by Oslo Literary Agency