A Full Life

A young woman riding her bicycle is hit by a car, and the driver flees the scene. Isak visits his neighbour, the Russian woman Dahlia, to get something off his chest: he was the driver. They get to know each other and each other's stories. When Isak gets seriously ill and dies, Dahlia is burdened by a terrible secret. How can she tell people about what's happened? She starts writing and gets in touch with Isak's widow and daughter. However, it still seems impossible for her to open up.

A Full Life is a soul searching novel about being exiled in the most profound way, and being the only one who knows.

“With her fourth novel, A Full Life, Mirjam Kristensen steps into the literary elite. In her latest novel, she manages to combine maturity and insight with a well written story that offers surprising and unexpected literary choices and turns.”


"A Full Life is a rich novel that will be picked out of the book shelf several times. Not just for you to read: When you want to lend a book to everyone you know, you can tell that it has affected you."


”A brilliant novel. The writer has total control over her literary devices and truly has a story to tell (…) I wish the novel will never end (…) Kristensen has written an excellent novel, a novel I will read again. I can’t wait.”


”… one of the best and most meaningful books I have read in a long time … simple, but intense, and suspenseful from the first page to the last … there are few contemporary novels I can recommend stronger than this book. Buy it and read it! It will grip you and do something with you.”


Mirjam Kristensen

Mirjam Kristensen

Mirjam Kristensen is from Lyngdal in Norway. She made her debut in 2000 with the novel Dagene er gjennomsiktige (The Days are Transparent) for which she received Tarjei Vesaas’ First Book Award. For De som er ute i regnet (Those Who are Out in the Rain) she received Sørlandets Literature Prize. In 2007 she received Bjørnson's Scholarship.

Rights sold to

German (Dörlemann)

Other titles

Jeg har ventet på deg, 2014
Et rikt liv, 2009
En ettermiddag om høsten, 2006
De som er ute i regnværet, 2001
Dagene er gjennomsiktige, 2000

Foreign rights

Oslo Literary Agency
Henrik Francke
Literary Agent, Literary fiction /
Forlaget Oktober
[email protected]
+47 913 53 922


The Amalie Skram Prize 2010
The Bjørnson's Scholarship 2007
Sørlandets Literature Prize 2001
Tarjei Vesaas’ First Book Award 2000

Edited December 21, 2017 by Oslo Literary Agency