
She is nineteen, selling souvenirs to tourists by the highway. Living
in a truck. It’s a summer job. Soon, she will leave for university in
Bergen. But now, she’s here, with her books and the empty note
book she hopes to fill with poems of her own. The people along the
road are merely passing through, like herself, but she faces them
with the candor of one still uncertain of who she is.
In a language both subdued and precise, Marte Huke has written
a portrait of a young woman approaching herself, her coming
into existence, so to speak, open to the landscape she is in and the
people she meets.
"I miss no one. I want to sleep. The river is passing, won’t stop flowing.
Searching blindly, finds its paths. Overflows the banks, creating new
courses. I want to be a rock licked by water. I want nothing. Only this.
Be torn away, come adrift, with no questions, no concerns."

Marte Hulk

Marte Hulk

Marte Huke (born 1974) has written four books of poetry, beginning with
the poetry collection Delta in 2002. Beginnings is her first novel.

Other titles

Three Collection of poems:
Delta (2002)
Se sol (2004)
Ta i mot (2008)
De fire årstidene (2011)

Foreign rights

Please contact:
Tiden Norsk forlag
Richard Aarø
[email protected]

Edited December 05, 2017 by Tiden Norsk Forlag