
In the second book of the series The Era of Swords, Sigurd has established a career in the court, he has found his roots and has started a family with his wife Solveig. His boyhood friend, Håkon, is now king, and Sigurd is his friend and adviser. The Civil War is temporarily over, but it is about to flare up again.
Plotting against Sigurd and his followers is Sigurd’s longstanding enemy; Håkon Galen. Galen is now the foremost warlord in the country, and leads the king’s armored horsemen of the Bataille. Eventually, taking advantage of the fact that Birkebein army is inferior in terms of numbers and weaponry. King Håkon is killed and Galen crowns himself as King of Norway with the help of the King of Denmark.
Sigurd has not only lost his best friend King Håkon, but his young son and his wife Solveig, who also meet brutal deaths during the war. Hatred and lust for revenge are kindled in Sigurd. But Sigurd finds a new sense of purpose when he learns that a young woman, Inga of Varteig, has given birth to Håkon the Young; grandson of King Sverre and rightful heir to the throne. Sigurd’s new mission is to defeat the boy’s enemies and make him king.

Jan Ove Ekeberg

Jan Ove Ekeberg
Julie Pike

Jan Ove Ekeberg (b. 1954) lives in Fredrikstad, journalist and till recently; head of TV 2 Financial News, today a full time author. Ekeberg’s debut was a biography on former PM, Gro Harlem Brundtland (1996). Since then Ekeberg has written several non-fiction books, children’s books and novels. Ekeberg reached a large audience with his first historical suspense series IN TIMES OF SWORDS (2011-2013), set in the 12th century.

His new series featuring the Viking king Harald Hardråde, was launched in spring 2016 to marvellous reviews. He aims to deliver the sequels The Devil’s Horseman and Imperial Mercenary by 2020.

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Other titles

The Devil's Horseman (2018)
Apprentice of War (2016)
Den barmhjertige terroristen (2015)
The Holy Shrine (2013)
The Era of Swords (2011)

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Stilton Literary Agency
Hans Petter Bakketeig
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Edited August 22, 2019 by Stilton Literary Agency