Sophie’s World

Sophie’s World
An absorbing, original and fascinating book for everyone who wishes to know more about the history of our own culture, interwoven with the history of western philosophy and the imaginary story of Sophie and Hilde. In order to solve the mysteries that are a part of Sophie’s World, we need an understanding of European philosophy. Who is Hilde Møller Knag? Why does Sophie keep coming across Hilde’s things? Why does she receive Hilde’s mail? The story ends in Hilde’s garden in the small town of Lillesand on the south coast of Norway. Or does it? Perhaps this is where it begins? Through her perusal of letters from a mysterious philosopher, Alberto Knox, who initiates her into the ideas of Europe’s great thinkers, Sophie gradually acquires the knowledge she needs to solve the mysteries surrounding her. The book has subsequently appeared as a CD-ROM and been made into a musical, board game, film and television series.

“A marvellously rich book. Its success boils down to something quite simple – Gaarder’s gift for communicating ideas”
(The Guardian)

“Challenging, informative and packed with easily grasped, and imitable, ways of thinking about difficult ideas”
(Independent on Sunday)

“A terrifically entertaining and imaginative story wrapped around its tough, thought-provoking philosophical heart “
(Daily Mail)

Jostein Gaarder

Jostein Gaarder

In 1991, when Jostein Gaarder wrote Sophie’s World he believed that a novel on the history of philosophy would appeal only to a specialist readership. In 1995 the book was the most sold novel in the world.

To date Sophie’s World has been translated into 64 languages and has sold over 50 million copies. Jostein Gaarder’s other works, both his children’s books and adult novels such as The Solitaire Mystery, Through a Glass, Darkly, Vita Brevis , The Ringmaster’s Daughter, The Orange Girl, Anna. A Fable About The Earth’s Climate And Enviroment, and The Puppeteer, have proved hugely popular and been published around the world.

Rights sold to

Albanian - Onufri, Tirana
American English - Farrar, Straus & Giroux
Arabic - Dar Al-Muna
Armenian - Zangak-97
Azeri Qanun Publishing House
Belarusian - Zmicier Kolas Publisher
Bengali - Bhashantar
Brazilian Portuguese - Companhia Das Letras
British English - Orion Books
Bulgarian - Danyam Yakov
Catalan - Empuries/Grup 62
Chinese (complex) - Ecus
Chinese (simplified) - The Writer's Publishing House
Croatian - Znanje
Czech - Albatros
Danish - Høst & Søn
Dutch - Fontein
Estonian - Koolibri
Faeroese - Bokadeildin
Finnish - Tammi
French - Seuil
Georgian - Sulakauri
German - Carl Hanser Verlag
Greek - Livani
Greenlandic - Atuakkiorfik
Hebrew - Schocken
Hindi - Rajkamal Prakashan
Hungarian - Noran Libro Publishing House
Icelandic - Edda
Indonesian - Mizan
Italian - Longanesi
Japanese - NHK-Publishing
Korean - Hyonam
Kurdish - Avesta, Istanbul
Latvian - Zvaigzne
Lithuanian - Tyto Alba
Macedonian - Tri Publishing Centre
Malay - Institut Terjemahan Negara Malaysia
Malayalam - DC Books
Marathi - Prasad Prakashan
Mongolian - Tengerleg Useg
Montenegrin - Nova Knjiga
Persian - Manoocher
Polish - J. Santorski
Portuguese - Presenca
Romanian - Univers Publishing House
Russian - Amphora
Sami - Davvi Girji
Serbian - Geopoetika Publishing
Singhalese - Vidarshana
Slovakian - Verbarium
Slovene - Zalozba
Spanish - Siruela, Madrid and Editorial Patria, C. Mexico, Ediciones Especiales, Cuba
Swahili - Mkuki na Nyota
Swedish - Raben & Sjögren
Tamil - Kalachuvadu publications Private limited
Thai - Kobfai
Tigrinja - Hidri Publ.
Turkish - Pan
Ukrainian - Litopys
Urdu -
Vietnamese - Nha Nam Publishing Company

Foreign rights

Oslo Literary Agency
Evy Tillman
Literary Agent, Children & Young Adult
[email protected]
+47 952 24 408

Edited October 06, 2017 by Oslo Literary Agency