I Refuse to Think

Refuse to Think has much of the same sharp and smart humour of Lotta Elstads earlier books. We meet Hedda Møller after a traumatic plane landing and hazardous journey back to Oslo, though a Europe in crisis, on buses and trains, dirty hostel rooms and a one-night stand in Berlin that will just not stop sending messages in CAPS LOCK. Back home she discovers that she is unwantedly pregnant. That should be an easily solved problem.

It´s not.

I Refuse to Think is a dark, feministic contemporary comedy about politics, love – and an abyss that I getting dangerously closer.

Feminist direct hit!

Stavanger Aftenblad, 6/6

Lotta Elstads energy, wittiness and precision makes I Refuse to Think to one of this years most enjoyable reads. Within it´s comical genre, it is absolutely perfect; stimulating, exciting, funny, sharp – and somewhat dark.

Fædrelandsvennen, 6/6

Lotta Elstad has written a novel that is funny, even if it is political. Elstad writes with energy and good timing. The suspense lasts until the last chapter.


... There has not been a lot of room for the easy going in Norwegian contemporary literature. Lotta Elstad clears the space for this kind of writing. That is why it is so easy to let yourself be excited by her novels.


I refuse to think is a Sareptas Jar of a book; energetic, cheeky and daring. But under the cheekiness there are thoughts about work-life, housing, health and the difference between Norway and the rest of Europe.


You would not think it possible to write a funny novel about the right to have an abortion, but Lotta Elstad does. Elstad also has a feministic agenda... It is the author’s oral and fast style that makes this great entertainment.


If you are going to read a book that in a light satirical way deals with heavy issues regarding the right to decide over your own body, then let it be Lotta Elstad - a witty, engaged and intellectual writer.


Elstad writes in a style that is close to a feisty essay just as much as the good story. Elstad might provoke, but she also points to the consequences of a societal development that we can not refuse to consider. And it helps to laugh about it.

Dag og Tid

Lotta Elstad

Lotta Elstad
Photo: Oda Berby

Lotta Elstad (1982-) is a writer, journalist, historian and non-fiction editor. She has since her debut in 2008 published several acclaimed books, both narrative non-fiction and novels.

Rights sold to

Denmark (Forlaget Hoff & Poulsen)
France (Marabout)
The Netherlands (Uitgeverij Prometheus)
Germany (Kiepenheuer & Witsch Verlag)

Other titles

The Studio Apartment
A Room of Ones Own

Foreign rights

Cappelen Damm Agency
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m: +47 414 10 647

Edited August 27, 2019 by Cappelen Damm Agency