A Tree Grows in Mostamägg

A Three Grows in Mostamägg is set in the huge Finnskogen forest during the 19th century. The "forest Finns" have their own outcasts, who have to try to survive as best they can.
Britt Karin Larsen writes beautifully, with raw realism and often very movingly about Lina and Taneli’s struggle for survival and the strong bonds with nature from which they draw both their strength and the necessities of life.

A Three Grows in Mostamägg is the first book in Larsen’s series of five novels about life in Finnskogen. The following titles in the series are: Himmelbjørnens skog (2010), Som steinen skinner (2011), Før snøen kommer (2012), Det synger i lauvet (2013), Slik treet faller (2014) and Kaldere mot natten (2015).

The books have recieved great reviews both in Norway and abroad.

Britt Karin Larsen

Britt Karin Larsen

Britt Karin Larsen has written poetry, books for children, documentary books and novels. Her first published work was the 1978 collection of poetry 5 mg blues og andre dikt. With her so called ‘Gypsy trilogy’, Larsen gained both a wide audience and received great reviews: De som ser etter tegn (1997), Den usynlige by (1998) and Sangen om løpende hester (1999).

Rights sold to

The whole series: Denmark (Gyldendal)
First two volumes: Sweden (Heidruns Förlag/Bok & Bildcafé)

Other titles

Før snøen kommer, 2012
Som steinen skinner, 2011
Himmelbjørnens skog, 2010
Det vokser et tre i Mostamägg (A Tree Grows in Mostamägg), 2009
Sangen om løpende hester ,1999
De usynliges by, 1998
De som ser etter tegn, 1997
5 mg blues og andre dikt, 1978

Foreign rights

Cappelen Damm Agency
[email protected]
m: +47 414 10 647

Edited September 01, 2017 by Cappelen Damm Agency