When you least expect it

Although Pietro is mentioned in Marco Polo's will, we know very little about him. Towards the end of his life he finds shelter among the fire people in the city of Yazd, where he tells his story. He describes street fights in foreign countries, but also a woman for whom he still longs for. And the necessity of having a dog for a friend.

When you least expect it is a beautiful story of the type only Bringsværd can write.

Tor Åge Bringsværd

Tor Åge Bringsværd

Tor Åge Bringsværd (b. 1939) has received many awards, as a writer and as a playwright. His works have been translated into 23 languages and his theatrical works have been staged in twelve countries. Bringsværd writes for all ages.

Other titles

Petra Plays football (2016)
Karsten needs an Eye-patch (2016)

Foreign rights

Cappelen Damm Agency
Contact: [email protected]
m: +4741410647


1985 - The Norwegian Critics Prize for Literature
1994 - Riksmål Society Literature Prize
2000 - Ibsen Prize
2008 - Alf Prøysen's Prize of Honor
2009 - The honorary Brage Prize, an open special award
2010 - Norsk kulturråds ærespris (Arts Council of Norway Honorary Award)

Edited November 19, 2018 by Cappelen Damm Agency