Inevitable Happy Ending

Anna has lost her entire family. This is in no way nice and in every way unreasonable. Inevitable Happy Ending is not so much about that. It is about other things.
It is about wedding pretzels. Travel companions. Hail. And the inevitable happy ending.

- Did you love many before me?
- Not a one.
- Did you make love to many before me?
- What’s riboflavin and why is it present in milk?


She met the man with the wrists in Kathmandu. They made her breathless and infinitely more aware of wrists the remaining years of her life.


Why the soapmakers mom doesn’t wash her sons pants
He’s got the soap.
He’s 83.
She’s 101.
That should be plenty.


Scottish woman whispering
The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow buys you two pairs of shoes, a mandolin and a loaf of bread. And if you’re lucky, a goat.


Jim is a crossword maker and sex symbol. In Cork. Which is more than you can say of most.

Sigrid Hesjevoll

Sigrid Hesjevoll
Photo: Heidi Furre

Sigrid Hesjevoll (1987 -) has earlier published the chapbook Manual for better days. Inevitable Happy Ending is her debut, a humoristic and dark collection of short prose circling around Anna, the main character.

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Edited September 16, 2019 by Cappelen Damm Agency