After this, we will always be apart

After her break-up with Thomas, Sigrid Bakken returns home to her father in the country. She soon adjusts to his quiet existence where everything is solid and built to last. The slow pace of life allows room for thoughts that Sigrid hasn't had time for earlier. What sort of life does she imagine for herself? Why was everything set in motion when Thomas met his ex-girlfriend, Thea? Eivind Larssen's new novel After this we'll be continuosly apart has an atmosphere of its own, establishing a silent universe you don't want to leave, even if it's painful sometimes. In this beautiful novel, the writer explores various ways of experiencing the world, how relationships can both hold a person up, and knock them to the ground.

Eivind Sudmann Larssen

Eivind Sudmann Larssen
Photo: Anna-Julia Granberg / BLUNDERBUSS

Eivind Sudmann Larssen lives in Bergen, Norway. He published his first novel in 2014.

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Edited February 13, 2018 by Cappelen Damm Agency